Council on Chemical Abuse

Berks County, PA’s resource for drug and alcohol prevention information and addiction treatment.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

The HUD Exchange is an online platform for providing program information, guidance, services, and tools to HUD’s community partners, including state and local governments, nonprofit organizations, Continuums of Care (CoCs), Public Housing Authorities (PHAs), tribes, and partners of these organizations.

Berks Coalition to End Homelessness

The Berks Coalition to End Homelessness, Inc. started as a small volunteer group in 1995 to address the problems of homelessness in our area. Since then it has grown to over 60 agencies, businesses, and individuals all working toward preventing, reducing, and ending homelessness in Berks County. In 2008, BCEH applied for nonprofit corporation status and its 501(c)(3).

Community Care Behavioral Health

CCBH is a health insurance company that has been helping people throughout Pennsylvania recover from mental health conditions and addiction for more than 20 years.
