Easy Does It, Inc.’s Programs and Services include:
Supportive Housing
- EDI is committed to providing supportive housing programs with a living environment characterized by mutual respect, daily structure, and personal accountability to help residents begin or continue their journey of recovery.
Recovery Support Services
- Every resident works with a certified recovery support specialist (CRS, RSS). Beginning with an assessment of recovery capital, each resident develops an individualized recovery plan to identify goals and action steps for their recovery journey. Residents also participate in daily peer support groups facilitated by certified recovery specialists.
Other Programs and Services:
- Life Skills Groups
- Recovery Oriented Events for the Community
- Recovery Awareness and Advocacy
- Training and Educational Programming for the Community

"They gave me the foundation and the freedom to build a recovery system which I used as a launching pad for the rest of my life. I came here–had no job, no license, no car, no family. Fines. No hope. I was able to clear up all the wreckage of my past while I was here, earn a Master's degree, and restore the relationship w/my children and my God–that about sums it up.
They allowed me to be proactive enough that my recovery was individualized to me, but within safe boundaries."
They allowed me to be proactive enough that my recovery was individualized to me, but within safe boundaries."
Easy Does It Inc.


Brandon O.
Staff was always helpful and caring and provided me with structure and balance to assist in my recovery. I also enjoyed all the extra activities that were planned to keep me busy.
Easy Does It Inc.


Alfred M.
EDI is a non-judgmental safe place for me. They set a pace I could handle and I enjoyed the structure of the groups and meetings. They also helped me get set up with other organizations that opened my eyes to other areas in my life where I needed help.
Easy Does It Inc.


Dan M.
“I write this as I approach my 13th year of sobriety and a bedrock of my recovery foundation was laid during my time at Easy Does It. The mentorship I received from staff I still think of today, lessons that have served me so well in the years of early recovery. The community it have brought me into has also served as an invaluable resource to myself and my family. We are lucky to have an organization like this in our backyard and I will forever be grateful for the time I spent here. In the years of recovery I have also been able to work with EDI as one of their vendors and it’s safe to say they are the client that means the most to me. “
Easy Does It Inc.


Isaac L.
"I enjoyed the independent yet supportive environment EDI offered. The staff and community were essential to my success. They helped me build trust, set and achieve realistic goals. I was introduced to many different options to help me find my way. EDI even introduced me to new, fun, and exciting activities to help keep me centered and active."
Easy Does It Inc.


Robert T.
The structure is a blessing, it has enabled me to organize and create a schedule that is conclusive to living a happy sober life. I especially enjoy participating in Soberstock, paddleboarding, and the Men’s Spiritual Breakfast.
-Robert T. -Sober since 2/2019
-Robert T. -Sober since 2/2019
Easy Does It Inc.

Easy Does It Inc.
Latest News
Phils celebrate substance abuse recoveryAugust 16, 2024In The Media / NewsWFMZ
READING, Pa. – There was a different kind of energy in FirstEnergy Stadium Thursday night, as 16 Berks County organizations joined forces with the Reading Fightin Phils to celebrate recovery from substance abuse.
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Booths lined the park.
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But the night is more than just education and treatment. It’s about celebrating recovery. Six hundred t-shirts were handed out, and 5,000 tickets were given out for the game.
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State leaders discuss need for treatment centers to curb opioid epidemicMay 7, 2022In The Media / NewsEllen Kolodziej
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“They’ll be able to rebound quickly and save up some money and feel secure and get a good foundation of recovery that they are ready to move on,” said Scott Althouse, of Easy Does it Incorporated in Bern Township, where those suffering from addiction can get a fresh start.
“I think the value of a recovery house is not often understood due to a lot of reasons, primarily stigma,” Althouse said.
Local Trending News
But state and local drug experts are hearing from Pennsylvanians that there aren’t enough of these treatment centers to help curb the opioid epidemic.
“And so the need for continued recovery support services, whether that’s housing or whether that’s support groups or whatever else, is really critical to ensure that an individual’s journey remains intact,” said Jen Smith, Secretary of The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.
“You know a lot of people have a loved one that they know they sent to detox, they sent to short term treatment, then they come home, but there’s a recurrence of use, then a second or third time in detox or more than that.”
That’s why the head of The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs joined State Senator Judy Schwank., to listen to those on the front lines of the crisis, about what’s most needed to keep people on the path to recovery.
“What was most important to us was to showcase what a really great recovery house can look like, what a recovery organization can look like and the value of it,” Althouse said.
Because many here believe without places that treat the root of the problem, the opioid crisis will just continue to spiral out of control.
If you or a loved one needs help finding treatment, call the State’s hotline at 1-800-662-HELP. It’s available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Opioid EpidemicScott AlthouseBern TownshipBerks County
Ellen Kolodziej [...]