Quality Improvement
Easy Does It, Inc. (EDI) is committed to providing the highest quality of service to our residents. In order to accomplish this, EDI maintains a dedicated Quality Committee made up of members of EDI’s Management Team and Board of Directors. The quality committee assists EDI management in setting benchmarks for critical outcomes, monitoring outcomes, identifying issues, and establishing plans to improve services.
In turn, EDI Management works to constantly improve services through monitoring, supervision, and education. Recovery Support Specialists (RSSs) receive regular individual and group supervision to ensure effective service delivery and provide the opportunity for consultation. House Managers also have regular meetings to identify and resolve any housing-specific issues. Lastly, all EDI staff are encouraged to bring any issues or suggestions for improvements to management.
For the fiscal year July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023, EDI recovery housing programs had an occupancy rate of 91% serving a total of 109 residents. Of the 109 residents served, 94 (86%) residents remained abstinent from substances throughout their stay. Of the 48 residents who discharged voluntarily, 88.4 % were engaged in a pathway of recovery, 73.9% met three or more recovery goals, and 69.6% maintained or increased their income during their stay at EDI.

EDI recovery housing programs had an occupancy rate of 92.4% serving a total of 123 residents. Of the 123 residents served, 109 (89%) remained abstinent from substances throughout their stay. Of the 50 residents who discharged voluntarily, 88% were engaged in a pathway of recovery, 78% met three or more recovery goals, and 68% maintained or increased their income during their stay at EDI.

EDI programs and services were deeply impacted by the covid-19 pandemic in FY2020-2021. Despite the pandemic, the quality of EDI programming and client outcomes were very good. EDI’s recovery housing programs had an occupancy rate of 90.4%, serving a total of 139 clients, 85% of whom were Berks County residents. Of the 139 clients served, 84% (117/139) remained abstinent from drugs and alcohol during their stay. Of the 69 residents who discharged voluntarily during the year, 72% achieved 3 or more goals in their individualized recovery plan, 78% were engaged in a pathway of recovery, and 75% maintained or increased their income during their residency at EDI.

During the 2019/2020 fiscal year, Easy Does It, Inc. served 128 individuals in our supportive housing programs. Of these 128 persons served, 81% were abstinent from drugs and alcohol while residing in our program and upon discharge. When individuals actively engage in our services for at least three months, 85% achieve 3 or more goals in their individual recovery plan, 71% maintain or increase their income, and 88% engage in a pathway of recovery.